Sunday, September 24, 2006


The neighbor's dog is seriously annoying me!!! She is kept outside and is given little or no attention.

Now, when I take our baby outside to do his business or just hang out, this stinky bitch feels the need to start digging...quickly and try and get into our that she might run amuck with Diego and get him all dirty and nasty. Word on the street is...she's a bit loose, and likes to give it up to any stray. son of mine is going to be entangled in the trappings of some two-bit street hustler...heaven knows, I don't need a full-on litter to plate is full enough as it is.

So...I have taken it upon myself to strategically place bricks under the fence in the holes that this harlot has dug up. That should HOPEFULLY put a damper on her lusty loins.

Bring it!!!

...with a careless memory


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