Monday, April 18, 2005

Batta Batta Batta...SWING!!!...

There was tons of drama from 02:00 until approximately 04:00 on the 18th.

Our "everyday-life" around the house has not been normal or ordinary in quite some time, but now, it's reaching new levels of awkwardness and tension. Life as I knew it, as we knew it, no more! Everything right, has become wrong and turned upside down! The severity of the issue at hand is rapidly effecting everyone in the house and becoming a serious SERIOUS issue.

The origin of the turmoil began with Amanda-Jayne and Nick...who are married, my two best friends in the world, and also my roommates. The situation has slowly evolved and caught me up in it, as well as our two oldest children...

There have been several days of intense anger...three to be exact...and tons of yelling and screaming along the way. Last night though, almost became out of hand...and could have gone way over the top! We're talking...some possible bat-swinging sessions...(M. NIGHT SHAMALAYAN'S SIGNS ANYONE???) If you could only have seen me becoming SUPER-BUTCH and jumping right in the middle of THAT was something way out of my character...but that's how HEATED the situation was...and I didn't want anyone to regret what may have happened...later on down the road.

So after Amanda-Jayne finally ejected Nick from the house...the yelling and talking continued on through chained, dead-bolted and locked doors and eventually tapered off to normal volume levels after a couple of hours. They finally came to an agreement and he left for the night.

Of course there's so many more details that belong in the story but...we'd be here for days...and I really get caught up emotionally when thinking and writing about this.

For now...the situation is "status quo". After a few hours of sleep, I think everyone has cooled, we'll have to take the rest of today and see what happens...hopefully everything will go a lot smoother than last night. After that, it's going to be a day by day thang!


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