Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Time Stand Still

was the very first alternative, dark, club that I went to. I was 18 when I first stepped inside and I immediately became hooked. I was blown away by the people, the atmosphere, the music...it became my haven for two years.

This was the first club that I went to where openly gay guys and gals kissed, hugged, held hands and had tons of fun with each other. It was always a mixed crowd so you could meet all kinds of people. You could always find your jocks, your queens, your goths, your closet-cases...all dancing together...very surreal!!!

It was always packed...good looking guys all over...some...not so good looking!!! The music played, was so ahead of it's time...some of the tunes I knew, a lot of the other tunes...I had never heard of...but they quickly became some of my favourites!!! I was there every weekend.

Then some things in my life changed and I didn't go back...but that's a different story!!!...

About two months ago some of my friends invited me to go with them when the club was having a "Classic Numbers" night. I jumped at the chance. I hadn't been in 15 years. I wanted to check it out and see if anything had changed.

When I stepped inside this time it was like I was immediately transported back to those two cherished years...such awesome emotions and memories flooded my head...it was exciting, weird, crazzzy, wild...all at the same time.

Everything was much the same...it's like time stood still inside of those four walls.

Thinking about it now, this club had such a huge impact on my life...it helped me look at myself and realize who I was, it helped me feel comfortable and helped me to feel accepted which was very important to a boy of 18.

I need to go back again and recapture some more of my youth!!!



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