Friday, May 06, 2005

Watch out 6th she comes...

I'm ecstatic!!!

I just received a phone call from my "almost 11-year old daughter". She was chosen to be on the Student Council to represent her 6th grade peers this coming Fall-Spring session of Middle School.

Grace has been talking about going to middle school since the beginning of this 5th grade school year...she kept telling me she couldn't wait another year to get there. Now that's enthusiasm!!!

In order to run for a position such as this, all willing 5th grade participants had to create a poster, and prepare a speech. They would be giving their presentations in front of their peers then voting for their favourite candidate. There was a total of only THREE positions available and more than 41 candidates were running. So when it came down to it the odds were stacked up against her.

Now, if anyone knows us, they know that this kind of stuff is our forte!!! Amanda-Jayne immediately sat down with Grace and started helping her prepare "the speech of all speeches." They did some brain-storming and finally decided on presenting a comedic spiel.

Basically the whole jist of it centered around the fact that...Grace watches SO much television...which she does...that we, her parents, were making her get involved so that she would occupy her life with activites that were a bit more challenging and rewarding!!! They hammered out the one-minute speech in about 30 minutes and Grace immediately began memorizing it. The speech had her requesting her peers votes while at the same time throwing out commercial slogans. It was very funny and once she had it down, she delivered it well.

I was in charge of helping her with her poster...we first got to work on her photo shoot, I snapped a lot of pictures, because I wanted more than one to choose from. Then we sat down and started drawing and coloring all the bubble letters...YAY for bubble letters!!!...then glued the pictures down and topped it all off with tons and tons of glitter...ah glitter...a girls best friend!!!

So today she dressed in a really cute skirt and top, I fixed her hair in a "proper bun" and dropped her off at school and wished her well.

She called me this afternoon and told me she would be giving her speech approximately at 13:15 and wanted us to be there. Unfortunately I would be at work and Amanda-Jayne was going to be at a doctors appointment. I wished her the best of luck and told her to knock 'em dead.

So 15:45 I get a phone call here at work, she's squealing on the other end..."Daddy guess what???...I WON!!!"

OH MY could not imagine the joy that I felt at that moment I was SO excited for her...she really wanted this and both Amanda-Jayne and I wanted this for her.

In the end after all was said and done, her hard work, zeal, charm, beauty and wit paid off as she heard her name called across the loud speaker...she was one of three winning representatives for Student Council.

Amanda-Jayne and I are SO PROUD!!! We'll probably have a good cry together when I get home tonight!!!



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