Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Wild Boys Are Calling

June...the month of PRIDE for all of us Homos. There are many different events going on up until the day of the festival and the parade which happen to be on the same day...24/06/2006.

Because I have a work schedule that consists of my time from Friday through Monday, I will miss most of the events. I have asked for the 24th off but, I have a feeling I am not going to be granted my request. So if I don't get the day off, I am hoping to at least leave sometime early in the evening so that I can make the parade and be gay for a few hours.

This is the one day where homos around the greater Houston area can get together and unite...not in an orgy kinda way...just be together and support one another and celebrate diversity together.

I'm hoping that Amanda-Jayne and Nich can join me this year too. The children are going to be in Livingstone for an extended weekend.

One World...One Life...One Chance...One Reason...All Under One Sky...Unchanging...One Season

...with a careless memory


Blogger Smith said...

When do you find out whether you have the day off? They need to tell you soon because you have clams to bake...I mean cans to take...I mean plans to make.


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