Friday, February 17, 2006

I Don't Remember Quite How I Met You

Ok, not only did I catch on to the "featured drink of the month"...the Cinnamon Dolce Latte...but I also caught onto the cute gentleman that started serving them to me!!!

He made a comment about my Frida's tee shirt I was wearing one day and we talked a bit about Frida, Montrose and art galleries!!! Hmmm...this was very interesting to me and sparked my curiousity about what kind of a "GUY" he just might actually be.

Now, when I go in, I find myself hoping that he might be there so that we can share a few eye exchanges and a wee bit of casual conversation...knowing my luck, he's probably straight, married with children and a born again holy-roller who ushers the congregation into their seats for Sunday Morning Service!!! Praise God.

...with a careless memory

Thursday, February 16, 2006

In Exploitations Name

Today in my acting class we did an excercise where we were supposed to be "Bad Actors". We had to read a dialouge between a male and female character from Richard III and really go "over-the-top" with it. Skillet wanted us to reach inside ourselves and make our characters, cartoonish, obnoxious, extreme, annoying.

My partner decided to be the male character with a heavy scottish/irish accent. So I was the female character...surprise surprise..with a heavy southern/kentucky accent. While I was thinking of what quirky extreme things I could possibly do, I thought of Jan Crouch and her holy-rolling-country-bumpkin persona...she was my muse.

Inspiration comes from some of the strangest places!!!

...with a careless memory

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brothers And Sisters...Let Me Hear It

Current IpoD tunes:

Dirty Little Secret = The All-American Rejects
David Holmes = $165 Million + Interest (Into) The Round Up
David Holmes = 7-29-04 The Day Of
Careless Memories = Duran Duran
Fire (Original Mix) = Ferry Corsten
Musclecars = Mylo
In My Arms = Mylo
Paris Four Hundred = Mylo
Destroy Rock & Roll = Mylo
Rikki = Mylo
Round and Round (K.S. 12" Mix) = New Order
Fine Time (S.S.H. Remix) = New Order
Here To Stay (F.D.H Thee Extended) = New Order
Vanishing Point = New Order
Wonderwall = Oasis
Champagne Supernova = Oasis
What Else Is There? (Vitalic Remix) = Royksopp

...with a careless memory

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

There's Always Time For Pretty Flowers Growing In The Dirt

I'm Taking a bit of a break between classes today!!!

I figured that I owed it to myself since I prepared myself all weekend for my History Quiz this past Monday.

Today in the afternoon my time will be devoted to studying for my Algebra test that I am having tomorrow. YIKES!!!

After tomorrow...I have to get right into studying for my History Mid-Term (next week) plus begin reading a required book for the same class.

I have a Shapearean Scene to present this Thursday...that should be very interesting.

Right now...I'm downloading some new tunes...SO digging MYLO...he came highly recommended by Mr. Nick Rhodes!!!

I need a night of debacuchery...South Beach anyone???!!!

...with a careless memory

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Here By Intervention...I Want Your Attention!!!


Caffeine can do wonders for a tired soul. Thank you Starbucks for your "Dolce Cinnamon Latte". Delicious!!!

Costard, Armado and Jaquenetta are now becoming a part of my life thanks to Will Shakespeare. Why couldn't he have just said everything in some language that was comprehendable...ebonics maybe!!!

I'm off after class today to get my hair did. I'm going short with hi-lights...this should be interesting.

I have not one, but two tests next week...arrrgh!!!

Currently listening to:
Ferry Corsten = Fire (Original Mix) ...vocals by Simon Lebon

...with a careless memory